Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why I love me some Jennifer

Accidentally, once, I professed my true love for Jennifer...in front of my brother...who also happens to be her boyfriend. Talk about awkward. I meant it too even though I was under the influence. My shocking revelation came as a bit of a surprise to all of us I think, but I have some very good reasons for my love of this child.

  • Jennifer is my crocheting buddy.
  • Jennifer passed the sister-in-law test.
  • Jennifer will embark on crazy adventures.
  • Jennifer has marvelous skin.
  • Jennifer is the kind of friend we should all strive to be. I wish I was half as good as her.
  • Jennifer likes to dance.
  • Jennifer is not afraid to cry. In fact, she does it a lot.
  • Jennifer's love of tacky goods is not at all offensive and fits her perfectly.
  • Jennifer may be genetically connected to one of my children somehow.
  • Jennifer is my cosmetic connection.
Jennifer, I wish you the happiest 26th going on 16th birthday ever. Please consider this your irrevocable contract into sisterhood. I believe I speak for all of us when I say you make us very happy.



  1. Thank you very much, OP. I just did a dance, cried, and admired my porcelain skin and my embroidered lion and tiger. Oh, and had a telepathic conversation with D about our family relation to the moon.

  2. Precisely why I love you. XOXOXOXOXOXO!
