Saturday, June 20, 2009

Elevated Testosterone Levels

Alright-this post is rot with photos Jenn took while messing with my camera unbeknown to me. So to punish her, everyone must see them...........Muah ha ha ha ha ha!

For whatever reason the optics in this house seem to multiply when placed on top of the commode.

This is a shamrock........and Jenn's first attempt at not killing all of the green in her life.

What a dork!

Here I am modeling the newest lap blanket trend. It also works well as a shawl.

Gomorrah is finally taking visitors...

My brother is a ghost! I had no idea...........BOO!

Jenn and Jay will be heading this way come August.

This is freaking adorable! Justin made curry, Jenn and I talked crafts and Faith's birthday party, I drank too much beer and had a great time all around.


  1. Okay that last one should totally be your Chritstmas card!!! You guys are adorable and Jenn you look so skinny. :) So, what were you kids talking about? Huh huh?

  2. Faith, we weren't talking about anything. We were under the influence.
