Saturday, July 11, 2009

Catty Community Outreach

We took in a few strays this week and bestowed our love and undying (if not old-lady) wit upon the wayfaring adolescents. Let's hear it for Kora, Annie and Delphi!
Kora joined us from the Wilkes side of life.......decked out in hot pink and black, knee high socks and of course her mobile. She has a charming smile and seemed at ease amidst our craziness. But the texting doesn't stop there.........
In this corner, we have Annie! Woot! Annie is one of many Anne's in her family. I am pretty sure she thought we were lunatics, but I could see through her quiet demeanor. She is intelligent and sharp-tongued (i love it!) and did her best not to make too much fun of her sister.
Neither Delphi nor Faith made it into the photos this time (somehow), but both were present and a good time was had by all. We indulged in homemade pizza, destruction of youth and Finding Neverland (is that an indulgence?). Oh and quarter water.......pronounced "Quotah Watah."


  1. I guess if I can't be pictured I'm glad my pretty pizza got it's close up.

  2. trust me, the blog suffers when you aren't in the photos. :-)

  3. What are you gals doing this Thursday?!

  4. waiting for you to come hang out, ya lush! yeah, i read your blog.........
