Friday, July 24, 2009

Mellow Meeting

Three members of the kitchen caused quite the ruckus on Wednesday and were subjected to punishment Thursday evening-a nite without Jenn. So the mood was a bit morose, however Melissa had just the trick to brighten our gathering. She fashioned her own set of fake wax fingernails with the remnants of a Gouda Babybel snack! I haven't had nails that nice since prom in high school.
Mostly we chilled and pampered my new pooch, Bella. She is the sweetest Shih Tsu you will ever meet. She didn't make a single move while I clipped her nails and Faith brushed her coat. Mel fell in love with her under-bite and gave her a thorough dental exam. I am pretty sure she is purebred Ewok. In other news, I have been tossing the idea around of something I could share/make for the group.......probably on a monthly basis. I think I have come up with something that is partial to me and perhaps a new experience for the other birds. If not, then just a nice thought to brighten their day. I am calling it 'OSP's Monthly Mix' because I am going to compile music for the girls and give them something new to listen to every month. They are probably making fun of me right now, but I don't care. And because I am such a nerd about Tori, I decided to get that out of the way first. I will post the track list after the gifts have been given. Good nite and good weekend.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Catty Community Outreach

We took in a few strays this week and bestowed our love and undying (if not old-lady) wit upon the wayfaring adolescents. Let's hear it for Kora, Annie and Delphi!
Kora joined us from the Wilkes side of life.......decked out in hot pink and black, knee high socks and of course her mobile. She has a charming smile and seemed at ease amidst our craziness. But the texting doesn't stop there.........
In this corner, we have Annie! Woot! Annie is one of many Anne's in her family. I am pretty sure she thought we were lunatics, but I could see through her quiet demeanor. She is intelligent and sharp-tongued (i love it!) and did her best not to make too much fun of her sister.
Neither Delphi nor Faith made it into the photos this time (somehow), but both were present and a good time was had by all. We indulged in homemade pizza, destruction of youth and Finding Neverland (is that an indulgence?). Oh and quarter water.......pronounced "Quotah Watah."

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of Jooly!

Faith's little veggie patch is doing so well. And she started everything from seed! We're talking corn, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, squash, zucchini, and very soon...pumpkins!!
She threw together some homemade salsa and it was really good for her first attempt without any recipe. We ate the mess out of it.

The weather was fantastic. Breezy, balmy, high seventies........We couldn't beat it. Although we did rock out to some Michael Jackson while roasting our butts off trying to cook our hot dogs.
Jenn, the food weirdo, prefers ketchup on her dog while Faith enjoys a mixture of both ketchup and mustard and I stay with the yellow line.
Sweet kisses for BarleyDoo who tried to drink our beers.
Enjoy a safe holiday!

Grapes with a Lemon Squeeze

This what happens when Jenn insists on being cute all of the time....I subject her to a photo shoot. My husband says it looks like someone shat a person into a grape......not true, but hilarious. Anyway.......
This girl is very photogenic and made for a great subject.
I love that natural skin is starting to be accepted more. Her pale skin looks beautiful in the outdoor light.
Sorry fellas, she is spoken for. My brother happens to be the lucky gent. Yeah for him and Yeah for me.
Her feet are naturally cute!
Jenn the Grape
Made friends with an Ape
Outside of Calverton Park
Her lemon shoes
and Simian woos
ensued just before Dark.