Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of Jooly!

Faith's little veggie patch is doing so well. And she started everything from seed! We're talking corn, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, squash, zucchini, and very soon...pumpkins!!
She threw together some homemade salsa and it was really good for her first attempt without any recipe. We ate the mess out of it.

The weather was fantastic. Breezy, balmy, high seventies........We couldn't beat it. Although we did rock out to some Michael Jackson while roasting our butts off trying to cook our hot dogs.
Jenn, the food weirdo, prefers ketchup on her dog while Faith enjoys a mixture of both ketchup and mustard and I stay with the yellow line.
Sweet kisses for BarleyDoo who tried to drink our beers.
Enjoy a safe holiday!

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