Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, we’re very close to the end of another great poll here in the Catty Kitchen. I was curious, given the results, could you use a bamboo cotton wash cloth as a super tampon? Sure, it’s not exactly practical, but desperate times call for desperate alternatives.

Speaking of things coming to an end, I realized today that I have one test and one final in each of my classes and then I’m free for the summer! You know what that means!!!

Crochet City!

I’m not actually going to Crochet City, that’s just a city I made up. But! I am going to get back in the swing of things. I have a lot of projects to pick back up and lots more to start.

Let’s make a list!!!!!!!!!

My afghan
My nieces’ fish blanket
A colorful creature yet to take shape
Maaayyyybe figure out Jabba
A creature for my dad
Space Robot
“Christmas” tree ornaments
I still need ideas for my nice alpaca yarn from my boy.
And hopefully one of these...

I don’t know if I’ll ever find something I find acceptable for the yarn in #9, I’m too much of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like that.

As 90% of the people who read this already know, I will be moving very soon. I plan on having a very special plan for my crochet projects that will probably include a very cute basket for all my yarn. I’m really excited about my new setup and will hopefully be able to get a lot done before the fall semester.

And done.

1 comment:

  1. free mustache rides to crochet city, tuna and pbr will be served!
